Traffic Safety Committee


The Traffic Safety Committee addresses the problems of the Town citizenry when submitted to the Committee. The Committee uses Regulation 94-1, which was adopted by Town Meeting in 1995 as a guide to uniform enforcement. This regulation employs the standards of the US Department of Transportation Federal Highways Administration (MUTCD) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation Publication, Traffic Control Standards, Statutes and Policies and New Hampshire’s RSA 259:125. The Town’s inventory of standard devices is installed under this Regulation. The committee addresses problems that the citizen’s bring before them to include road signage additions and traffic flow problems. Meetings of the Committee are held quarterly, the first Monday of the month in the Sunnycrest Conference Room at Town Hall at 6:00 PM.

Board Members



Kim Bernard

Police Chief

Deputy Fire Chief

Dan Black

School District


Town Council Liaison

Town Manager

Director of Engineering and Environmental Services

DPW Director

Paul Peddle
