Absentee Ballots

How do I obtain an Absentee Ballot?

You must be a registered voter to obtain an Absentee Ballot;

If you are requesting a ballot for the General Election or the Town Election, you do not need to be affiliated with a "Party";

If you are Undeclared and wish to vote in a State or Presidential Primary, you must declare a Party Affiliation (Democract or Republican).  Once you have declared a party, you are now affiliated with that party until you change back to Undeclared, should you choose.  This can only be done after the election is held in which you have changed your party.

You must be out of state or unable to make it to the polls on the day of the election in order to request an absentee ballot;

The request must be completed in writing from the individual. 

Town Election Absentee Ballot Request Form

State/Federal Election Absentee Ballot Request Form

You may fax your request form to 603-421-9617.  Please provide a contact number or email should any questions arise to help expedite your request;