West Road Fields / Continental Park

Property Summary and Guide

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West Road


Located in the southwestern corner of Londonderry, West Road Fields / Continental Park encompasses approximately 110 acres. With 7 athletic fields, the park is principally used by soccer groups. However, it also provides opportunites for hiking and limited kayaking and fishing experiences. An existing network of trails connects the southern athletic field complex with the recently developed fields and parking areas to the north.

Permitted Uses

Athletic games, hiking, jogging, biking, picnicing, fishing, kayaking

Prohibited Uses

Motorized vehicles, dogs are not permitted on fields while children are present

DirectionsDownload a map with directions from the Town Center here.



Download a map of the West Road Fields / Continental Park complex here.


Field names are well labeled and easily identifiable.  Trails are informal and not identified.  No trail blazes are in place.

Points of Interest

Recreation DepartmentIn Londonderry, the Recreation Department is responsible for coordinating and scheduling field maintenance, assisting youth leagues and clubs, and providing for future needs of the Town.  Learn more about the Recreation Department, including contacts for clubs/camps here.

Londonderry Youth

Soccer Association

Youth Soccer is managed by Londonderry Youth Soccer Association (LYSA).  LYSA programs offer scheduled games, camps and clinics.  The league is open to children aged 3 to 18 and consists of over 100 co-ed teams.
Conservation Easement/valuesThe Town holds a conservation easement on the back part of this parcel.  This area is covered with informal trails that connect the two playing areas and surround the property.  The Town also owns a lot to the north of the playing fields that includes a small irrigation pond for the fields.